Archive for June 2013

The Nanda Blue Hole

The Nanda Blue Hole is at the Matevulu River, Espiritu Santo, East Coast Road of Natawa, Sanma Province Vanuatu. It is about 20 mins northwest of Luganville. Espiritu Santo is a part of the archipelago of the New Hebrides in the Pacific region of Melanesia. 

The town of Luganville, on the Espiritu Santo's southeast coast, is Vanuatu's second-largest settlement as well as the provincial capital. Roads lead north and west from Luganville but the majority of of the island is far from the limited road network. Vanuatu's highest possible peak is the 1, 879 meter (6, 165 foot) Mount Tabwemasana in west-central Espiritu Santo.

The Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park

The Grand Prismatic Spring is an excellent tourist attraction in Yellowstone National Park. It is actually the largest hot spring in the USA, therefore the 3rd largest on the planet, It reaches up to a maximum deepness of around 50 meters and has several wonderful vibrant colors. The variety of colors are created as a result of bacterial activity around the sides of the (in which it is less hot). Prismatic Spring was pointed out by geologists doing work in the Hayden Geological Survey of 1871, and also named by them for its attractive coloration. Its colors include blue, green, yellow, orange, gold, red and brown, and the rainbow dispersion of white light by an optical prism.

The Great Blue Hole of Belize

The Great Blue Hole of Belize looks like a large submarine sinkhole off the coast of Belize, It lies near the center of Lighthouse Reef, a small atoll 70 km (43 miles) from the mainland and Belize City. In reality, the 1,000-foot (305 meter) wide hole is simply a sinkhole in the ocean. Geologists consider that an underlying cave system collapsed under increased pressure some 10, 000 years in the past as a result of rising sea levels. 

The blue hole descends 412 feet (126 meters), terminating in the lightless depths in which insufficient supply of oxygen avoids most various types of life from growing. Divers do not usually dive with these types of depths, but, as many are content to discover the stalactite-rich caverns reachable from depths of certain 130 feet (40 meters) below the surface area. 

World's very first Conversation Robot Scheduled for Outer Space

The world's very first conversation experiment between a robot and humans is in a position to be launched. Developments for the Kirobo development called after "Kibo" or simply hope in Japanese and "robot," gathered in Tokyo at to show the humanoid robots speak. "Russia was the first to go to outer space, the United States was the first to go to the moon, then we wish Japan to be the first to send a robot-astronaut to outer space which has the ability to communicate with humans, " said Yorichika Nishijima, the Kirobo project manager. 

The test is a partnership between promotion and PR company Dentsu Inc., the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, the University of Tokyo, Robo Garage and Toyota Motor Corp. Tomotaka Takahashi, Chief executive officer of Robo Garage Co. and associate professor at the University of Tokyo, said he hopes robots like Kirobo that hold conversations will eventually be used to assist astronauts working in space. "When people think of robots in outer space, they tend to seek ones that do things physically," stated Takahashi. "But I think there is something that could come from focusing on humanoid robots that focus on communication." 

Due to the fact that Kirobo will not require carrying out physical activities, it is really small compared to the majority of robots that get deep into. Kirobo is around 34 centimeters in height (13 inches) and weighs in approximately 1 kilogram (2 .2 pounds). The land-based counterpart Mirata seems to be almost precisely the same however is not made to go into outer space. Rather, it offers the ability to know by means of the conversations it has. 

At the time of the demonstration, Fuminori Kataoka, project general manager from Toyota, asked Kirobo what its dream was. "I want to create a future where humans and robots can live together and get along," it answered. Kirobo is scheduled to be launched from the Tanegashima Space Center on August 4, 2013. 

A beautiful Glacier Cave in Iceland

A beautiful "Kverkfjöll" glacier cave in the Vatnajökull glacier in Iceland, measured in the 1980s at 2 .8 kilometers long with a vertical range of 525 meters.

A glacier cave is a cave developed within the ice of a glacier. Glacier caves are usually known as ice caves, however this term is properly used to explain bedrock caves which contain year-round ice. The majority of glacier caves are involved with water flowing through or under the glacier. This water often starts on the glacier’s surface by means of melting, getting into the ice at a moulin and exiting at the glacier’s snout at base level. Heat transfer from the water might cause enough melting to generate an air-filled cavity, typically assisted by solifluction. Air flow can then support expansion from melting in summer season and sublimation in winter. Certain glacier caves are developed by geothermal heat from volcanic vents or hot springs beneath the ice.

A Temple at Angkor, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia

Ta Prohm (Khmer) is the modern day given name of a temple at Angkor, Siem Reap Province, Cambodia, constructed in the Bayon style generally in the late 12th and early on 13th centuries and actually called Rajavihara (Khmer). Positioned around one kilometer east of Angkor Thom and on the southern edge of the East Baray , this was constructed by the Khmer King Jayavarman VII as a Mahayana Buddhist monastery as well as university. UNESCO recorded Ta Prohm on the World Heritage List in 1992. Nowadays, it is probably one of the most visited complexes in Cambodia’s Angkor region.

A Pink Lake at Western Australia

There is a strange bright pink Lake Hiller in Western Australia. This vivid pink lake is something of a mystery as well as the only one of its kind on Earth. The color is constant and never changes, even though water is taken away and put into a separate container. Have confirmed that the lake’s color is not because of the existence of algae, compared to the other salt lakes Down Under, but they still don’t tend to be able to explain the reason why it’s pink.  An additional probability is that the color comes from red bacteria in the salt crusts.


Proposed Structure at Dubai: The Ziggurat Pyramid

The structure called Ziggurat will reside close to one million individuals and will be self-sustainable with all of nature-energy resources. Similar to the pyramids of the Mayans and also Egyptians, this latest structure in Dubai is a tremendous; it will eventually cover 2 .3 square kilometers (0 .88 square miles) and will be able to support a community of up to one million individuals. The “Ziggurat” is named after the temple towers of the historic Mesopotamian valley, a terraced pyramid structure with successively receding stories. It will likely be a carbon-neutral structure

Based upon the International Institute for the Urban Environment, the technologies integrated into the Ziggurat development will make it a possible metropolis. Timelinks has already patented the design and technology employed in this project. The building is green which is to be operated by solar, wind as well as natural sources which are suitable for running fully off the grid, based on Timelinks, a Dubai-based pioneering environmental design company who is actually responsible for this building. The building also delivers an efficient public transportation system which can run horizontally and vertically.

Most Popular travel destination in Norway

The Pulpit Rock ( Preikestolen ), the most popular travel destination in Ryfylke a traditional district in Norway, towers an outstanding 604 meters over the Lysefjord, one of myriad incisions along Norway’s west coast. In old times, the plateau was called Hyvlatånnå ( planed tooth ).

Foods that will Lessen your Brain Performance

With regards to healthy eating, one must be pointed out usually there are a variety of foods : certain super-foods are your own supreme allies against extra weight , while some accelerate your own intellectual performance as well as enhance your own mind . However, certain meals are recognized to have a dangerous effect on your brain performance, and health professionals recommend us to eat these in moderation to be able to minimize their undesirable effect. On the other hand, listed here are the top 11 foods that kill your intelligence, slowly and gradually.

1. Sugary Products 
Sugar and sugary products are bad not only for your waistline, but for your brain function as well. Long-term consumption of sugar can create a wealth of neurological problems, and it can also interfere with your memory. On the other hand, sugar can also interfere with your ability to learn, this is why it is recommended to avoid pre-baked goods, sugar, corn syrup and products that are high in fructose. 

2. Alcohol 
Alcohol is known to harm your liver in the long run, and it also causes what is known as “brain fog”. Like the name suggests, the term of brain fog refers to a feeling of mental confusion, it acts like a cloud that impacts your ability to think clearly, as well as your memory. Have you ever noticed that you cannot remember common item names, or you cannot recall certain events or you are not sure whether they were dreams or they actually happened? This might be influenced by the high alcohol intake which impacts the balance of the brain. Fortunately, these symptoms are reversible provided that you stop consuming alcohol, or you limit your intake to one or two drinks per week.

3. Junk Food
A recent study that was performed at the University of Montreal has revealed that junk food can change the chemicals in the brains, thus leading to symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Besides, foods that are high in fat can also trigger some symptoms that are similar to the signs of withdrawal when you stop consuming them. These foods affect the production of dopamine, an important chemical that promotes happiness and an overall feeling of well-being. Moreover, dopamine also supports the cognitive function, the learning capacity, alertness, motivation and memory. This is why it is important to avoid all foods that contain excessive fat.

4. Fried Foods
Almost all processed foods contain chemicals, dyes, additives, artificial flavors, preservatives and such – these can affect the behavior and the cognitive functioning due to the chemical that causes hyperactivity, both in children and in adults. Fried or processed foods slowly destroy the nerve cells located in the brain. However, some oils are more dangerous than others – sunflower oil is considered to be among the most toxic ones.

5. Processed Or Pre-Cooked Foods
Just like fried foods, processed or pre-cooked foods also impact your central nervous system and they also increase the risk of developing a degenerative brain disorder later in live (such as Alzheimer’s disease).

6. Very Salty Foods
Everybody knows that salty foods affect your blood pressure and they are very hard on your heart. However, as research suggests, foods that contain high amounts of salt (sodium) can affect your cognitive function and impair your ability to think. Otherwise stated, salty foods affect your intelligence!

As a matter of fact, the consumption of salty foods and nicotine have been shown to have the same effects as drugs, as they cause harsh withdrawal symptoms and cravings for salty foods.

7. Grains, Except 100% Whole Grain
All sorts of grains have an impact on your brain functioning and your overall health, except for 100% whole grain which is very rich and fiber and it is known to prevent arterial aging. If you consume regular grains, your body risks to age quicker than it is supposed to and you can also experience memory loss and brain fog. Having said that, try swapping the regular carbs for the complex carbohydrates – all you need to do is to opt for whole grain bread!

8. Processed Proteins
Proteins are the building blocks of muscles and they are very important for the proper functioning of your body. Meat is the richest source of high-quality protein, but avoid overly processed protein such as hot dogs, salami, sausages and such. Unlike the natural proteins that help your body insulate the nervous system, processed proteins do exactly the opposite. Opt for natural fish (especially tuna and salmon), dairy, walnuts and seeds as these are natural, high-quality protein sources.

9. Avoid Trans Fats At All Costs
Trans fats cause a series of problems, from heart-related issues to elevated cholesterol and obesity. However, they are bad for your brain as well, as they make your brain more sluggish, they affect your reflexes and the quality of your brain response – not to mention that they increase the risk of stroke!

Trans fats can also have other effects on your brain: if consumed for too long, they can result in a sort of brain shrinkage that is somewhat similar to the shrinkage caused by Alzheimer’s disease. This brain shrinkage takes place due to the fact that trans fats slowly damage the arteries – you can prevent this and lower the stroke risk by simply limiting your intake of trans fats.

10. Artificial Sweeteners
When people try to lose weight, they tend to think that they will become slim overnight by simply replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners. It is true that artificial sweeteners do contain less calories, but they can actually do more harm than good! If used for an extended period of time, artificial sweeteners can cause brain damage and interfere with your cognitive capacity, especially if you use high amounts of sweetener.

11. Nicotine
Despite the fact that nicotine is not really a food product, it still wreaks havoc on your brain by restricting the blood flow to this important organ, along with the regular flow of glucose and oxygen. Nicotine not only causes premature aging, bad breath and poses an increased risk for lung cancer, but it also affects the production and the function of neurotransmitters by tightening the capillaries, the tiny blood vessels that play a pivotal role when it comes to your brain function.

Healthy diet and exercise is the key for living longer. That's why start to be aware of your health. And for me, it is said that living healthy is acquiring happiness. So enjoy your life with a healthy lifestyle.

Amazing Ice Cubes at Lake Baikal Russia

In the winter season at Lake Baikal Russia around five months to be precise from January to May; the (Lake Baikal Russia) freezes over. However the water is very clear from the surface area.  You will notice an astonishing 130 feet below you such as changes in wind, temperature, and frost as well as the sun rays in the ice crust trigger cracks and ice hummocks will form. It’s very clear as well as glowing like a turquoise color; the area of broken ice appears like shards of glass rising into the sky.

The Most Supreme Workstation Technology

The most recent in supreme workstation technology is the Emperor 1510 LX workstation developed by MWE Lab. For those who have actually wished to have the greatest when it comes down to convenience as well as awesomeness, the Emperor is exactly what you might want to look into. It consists of three display monitors ( it also can handle up to 5 ) , a BOSE audio system , a rotating base , a laptop stand , support for the keyboard and mouse , armrests , cup holder , support for tablets , a cabinets for essential accessories as well as a whole lot more that anyone can get to expect to see from the supreme workstation ever designed . 

As you have seen, The Emperor on its own is a science fiction-inspired chair that whenever placed in your home should certainly seem that something from the future. The idea of course designs for the reasoned that working out with computers should be convenient, relaxing and motivating. I would certainly work well for all three of these kind, but there is however one particular factor which might hold you off simply quite. The particular customized workstation has a price of “only” $21, 000 (the most affordable one is around $6, 000 while the most expensive one is priced at $49, 000), which means it is somewhat difficult to consider for an average income person would say. Definitely, owning one of these brilliant technology at your workplace whenever you take place is not particularly going to tire you, however the price may. In spite of this , when you need convenience , and of course the most recent science fiction workstation , perhaps you may would like to work hard for yourself.

The Tech Giants and their Overflowing Money Box

Andrew Carnegie is among history’s richest men, he was valued at almost half a billion dollars at his death in 1919. Corrected for inflation, his wealth would certainly sum above $90 billion at present. His contemporary, John D. Rockefeller, was much wealthier, owning accumulated wealth value greater than $1.4 billion (between $231 moreover $330 billion in today’s money) when he passed away in 193. 

Rockefeller’s wealth accounted for 1/65th of the nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) as well as was sufficient ( had he been so inclined ) to supply each person in the United States with $10 ( a princely amount in a point in time when steak could possibly be purchased at $0 .20 a pound including a gallon of Rockefeller’s extremely productive gasoline was a penny ) . Rich enough to provide old Scrooge McDuck a run for his money, these guys as well as their pals formed the tech titans at present appear absolutely impoverished .However even in a world haunted by the twin specters of austerity and sequesters, these latter-day denizens of the financial heights (companies with empires comprise of silicon and data rather than oil and steel) were able to generate positively massive piles of money. 

Seeing that the United States overall economy struggles back from the most terrible economic downturn since Rockefeller’s period, federal belt-tightening has improved domestic restoration while the continuous return of consumer confidence has offered modern technological megaliths massive profits. 

All together , the top five tech companies Apple, Microsoft, Google, Oracle and Cisco have a cash excess of $333 billion , or even sufficient to provide each man , woman , and child on the planet nearly $50 .

A Cheetah Robot which runs at a speed of 28 .3 mph

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and also Boston Dynamics have revealed a legged robot that's actually much faster compared to Olympic champion Usain Bolt. The Cheetah lately broke its very own land speed record of 18 mph , running a 20-meter split at 28 .3 mph, much faster compared to the world record for a human set in 2009 when Usain Bolt achieved a maximum speed of 27.78 mph. 

However that achievement is included with a word of caution, DARPA admitted in a news release. The robot had some advantage over Bolt, due to the fact that Cheetah ran on a treadmill machine which supplied the equivalent of a 28.3 mph tail wind flows. Even, the majority of the machine's power was utilized to swing and raise its legs fast enough to attain its quick pace, not to propel itself forward, the agency claimed. Under development in the Maximum Mobility and Manipulation (M3) program by Boston Dynamics, the animalistic robot is based on the world's fastest mammal. 

DARPA’s Cheetah is mainly utilized to contribute to emergency response, humanitarian assistance and other defense missions, a robot need to negotiate difficult terrain. Most rough-terrain robots use wheels or tracks to ride over bumps; however, the most difficult terrain demands the use of legs, as legs can step over both high obstacles and deep ditches. But coordinating the swing and lift of mechanical legs is more difficult than making wheels turn or tracks roll, and previous legged robots have been slow compared to wheeled or tracked ones. DARPA is working to create legged robots that don’t sacrifice speed for mobility on rough terrain. 

Sunglasses with built in 8 Megapixel Camera

Pivothead is a variety of sunglasses stops the need to carry camera equipment out throughout extreme sports or outdoor discovery. The sunglasses appear to be built with an 8 megapixel camera built on the bridge of the glasses. 
The elegant sunglasses can certainly record 1080p HD video as well as capture crisp still images with the help of an 8 megapixel camera built on the bridge of the glasses. Additionally capture time lapse burst still shots at a variety of time intervals and up to 16-shot quick burst photos. The sunglasses include an 8GB internal memory capacity , wind-resistant audio recording , multiple pre-set video and camera modes , and the Air Pivothead iOS and Android app enables the person to watch , clip as well as share their videos and photos .

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