Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Strokkur is truly one of Iceland's most wonderful geysers, captured right before it erupts. The geyser, named as after the Icelandic word for "churn”, erupts around every four to eight minutes. Strokkur is a fountain geyser which enables it to spew water up to 30 meters high. 

Eruptions generally happen with time intervals of between 5-10 minutes and also involve a particular burst reaching a height of up to 30 meters , however sometimes around 5 bursts in really rapid cycle are recognized . Just before the eruptions, the pool is full and gently pulsates down and up. The eruption starts whenever a pulse of steam increasing from below the water in the pool upwards producing a huge dome (or bubble) of water in which the steam bursts and expels much of the water in the pool skywards. After normal eruptions the pool is empty however it turns into quickly refilled by flow back as well as water rising from underneath. Following smaller unusual eruptions which are also often recognized, the pool may remain almost full and renewed activity may occur very rapidly (as little as 10 seconds by own observations). 

Strokkur have long interested to travelers. In 1894, the spot was sold to James Craig who fenced in the geyser site and charged admission. However, this was only short-lived and access to the site became free again the following year. The site currently belongs to the Icelandic state and is frequently visited as part of the Golden Circle tour which takes visitors to numerous sites in southern Iceland.
Via: photovolcanica.com


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