Sunday, August 18, 2013

The LifeStraw is a water filter designed to be used by one person to filter water so that they may safely drink it. It can filters a maximum of 1000 liters of water, enough for one person for one year. It removes 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria and 99.9% of parasites. The LifeStraw Family, a larger unit designed for family use, also filters out 99.99% of viruses (Wikipedia). LifeStraw can be used in Hiking and Camping, Hunting, Humanitarian Aid, Travel and Disaster Preparedness and Response.

The LifeStraw is made up of a plastic tube 310 mm long and 30 mm in diameter. Water that is drawn up through the straw first passes through hollow fibers that filter water particles down to 0.2 µm across, using only physical filtration methods and no chemicals. The entire process is powered by suction, similar to using a conventional drinking straw, and filters up to 1000 liters of water. While the initial model of the filter did not remove Giardia lamblia, LifeStraw removes a minimum of 99.9% of waterborne protozoan parasites including giardia and cryptosporidium.

LifeStraw Features:

  • No power or moving parts - designed for tough outdoor conditions. Perfect for humanitarian work, travelers and camping, hunting and working outdoors.
  • Robust - requires basic care and little basic maintenance
  • Very Cost Effective
  • Stores indefinitely
  • Rated to filter 1000 liters of fresh surface water to .2 micron - that is about 18 mths drinking water for an adult
  • In emergency work - easy to distribute - no packaging and assembly required, just hand out for use
Which LifeStraw product is best for you?

There are a range of LifeStraw water filtration options that are of the highest standard and will remove water-borne disease causing organisms from water, making it safe to drink in most circumstances. 

Targeting the need from the individual through to the community, it can become confusing to determine which LifeStraw product is best for your family or club, yourself personally, or for your business or humanitarian project.


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