Saturday, May 3, 2014

A password is generally a secret word along with series special characters and numbers that’s used in authentication, to help you to prove identification along with gain access to some sort of account. An appropriate password needs to be managed secret from those prohibited to gain accessibility. There’s not necessarily for an account password to be precise words or numbers, an account password which is definitely not precise words or numbers, moreover combining with special characters can be more difficult for someone to guess a desirable protected account. But during this day there are advance software’s have been developed by some bad guys to generate a particular correct combination of a password within just a minute. 

That’s why it’s better to update and to know how secure and strong your account password is. Then I recommend some kind of “Password Checker”. Lately, when I search the phrase “Password Checker” on the Google Search Engine I came up with some results. Based on the results, I found three websites which offer a free service in checking a password security but before that I investigate first if these websites are trusted and safe. Then I go to, I check the trust rating of these websites, luckily they got a high trust rating. Therefore these websites are advisable to be a “Password Checker”. (See the list of websites below which offers a free service in checking a password security.)

A Microsoft Password Checker, checks your password strength and rate it in four categories: weak, medium, strong and best. It offers also some tips about how to create passwords that are easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Rumkin is a website which involves in Software Projects and Downloads, Fun topics, Reference Materials and Web-Based Tools. The Rumkin password checker will gauge your password and give it a score based on how good of a password it is. It will let you know if you picked a common password (don’t do that!) and it will also take into account the probability of letters landing close to each other.

Password Meter is a website that checks the score of your password in terms of percentage, they also give several tips to increase your password strength. You can download  also their Password Meter Package, this  software is freely available for distribution under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Password checkers are usually the best tools in testing password security. If you know some trust websites which offer free service in checking a password security then feel free to add thru comments.
Author: Jexter B.


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